Mohan Group of Companies intrinsically believes that it is our duty to contribute to the well-being and the development of our society. With this in mind, we have embarked on various CSR activities. To help our CSR activities get the necessary organizational structure, we have become a part of the Lions Clubs International. In fact, we are the first corporate Lions Club in the world and have formed a Lions Club as part of our company’s CSR division known as the Lions Club of Mohan PLC . Various CSR initiatives have been taken by our organization, which includes the following: •Sustainable cooperative water well, energy and food production in rural Ethiopia . Improving health by hygiene training and healthcare treatment focusing on youth and schools. We worked this in collaborate ion with the Lions Club in Germany,Antonia Ruut Stifung (ARS) Foundation. local NGO known as S.M.A.R.T, and LCIF.
• Feeding program at Alpha Special School for the Deaf. a collaboration between the Office of the First Lady of Ethiopia [now Former First Lady of Ethiopia). Ye Enat Weg Charitable Association and Mohan PLC. •Blood donation drive organized by Mohan PLC. •Support to Operation Smile for cleft-lip and palate surge ry campaign.
• Donation to International Organization for Migration to support returnees from Saudi Arabia. •Supported .a home building program for internally displaced people. • Internship program for children with hearing impairment to give them on the job training . •Fire, safety and skill upgrading training programs for employees. •Participating in area cleaning programs. •Financial support for various public interest infrastructures.
•Various other feeding programs.
•Donation of Covid-19 related supplies to medical facilities.
•Donation for Covid-19 relief fund.
•Participation in “Dine for Sheger” and “Dine for Ethiopia”.